Wolverines defeat Panthers in Riv-Ell Match


The Wolverines battled back on Monday after last week’s tough loss to Mohawk Warriors to defeat the Riverside Panthers in the first Riv-Ell Cup matchup of the 2022-2023 school year with a final score of 217-265. The Wolverines officially improve to 3-1 (2-1) on the season.

Jordan Keller led the way for Ellwood City, posting a great 39 on the day at Delmar. Nathan Williams came in with a solid 42, while 45’s from Nardone and Crizer helped seal the deal for the Wolverines.

The Wolverines will now take a break for team photos tomorrow and will return to action the following day on Wednesday, as they will travel to Sylvan Heights to take on Shenango Wildcats. Tee time slated for 3:30 PM.


Wolverines lose at Sylvan Heights to Wildcats


Ellwood City Wolverines Fall Media Day